동물분자생체공학연구소 주관 초청강연 51


연사 : 유종만 교수 (차의과학대학교)

제목 : Organoid Medicines; Tools for disease modeling and drug discovery

일시 : 2021726일 월요일 오후 4

장소 : (온라인 개최) https://zoom.us/j/98436147838?pwd=OWc4MitHMmN0MzhSbnpGcGViZnFXUT09



Organoids are three-dimensional in-vitro-grown cell clusters with near-native microanatomy that arise from self-organizing stem cells. Organoid based models can provide breakthrough platforms for studying pathophysiology, screening drug efficacy, and predicting drug toxicity. In addition, the organoids are capable of regenerative therapeutics that can restore the damaged organ functions when injected into animal models such as inflammatory bowel diseases. However, there are many limitations to the application of organoids. A high cost for organoid expansion, low viability after cryopreservation, inefficient expansion by spontaneous differentiation and using Matrigel as an extracellular matrix are major obstacles in the clinical and industrial applications. Here I present the current limitations for clinical and industrial application of organoids, and introduce our challenges.