동물분자생체공학연구소 주관 초청강연 56

연사 유종만 교수 (차의과학대학교)

제목 Organoid based drug discovery and development; From science to Industry

일시 : 2024년 4월 19일 금요일 오후 3

장소 생명과학관 서관 201


"Organoid," referring to 3D mini-organs produced from human tissues or stem cells, exhibits similarities in terms of cells, structures, and functions with actual organs. Organoids can replicate various organs, including the liver, intestines, brain, skin, and even tumors, achieving a high degree of similarity to the human body. By utilizing organoids, it is anticipated that the efficiency of drug development can be significantly improved by conducting accurate toxicity and efficacy evaluations in preclinical trials. Furthermore, organoids have recently found applications in validating the effectiveness of cosmetics and dietary supplements, expanding their influence across various industries. Additionally, when organoids are transplanted into damaged areas, they have a direct regenerative effect, garnering significant attention as regenerative therapies. In this lecture, we aim to cover the entire spectrum of organoids, from their fundamentals to their commercialization, given their increasing importance in various fields.